Weight Training Improves Cognition [BetterBrainBetterLife]
I was in Vancouver last week and had the privilege of meeting with Dr. Teresa Liu-Ambrose, a researcher at the University of British Columbia and the Centre for Hip Health and Mobility, who is studying aging, mobility and cognitive function. Initially trained as a physiotherapist, Dr. Liu-Ambrose has a long-standing interest in how exercise can […]
Brain research yields clues about differences between men, women [The Vancouver Sun]
Alzheimer’s disease and depression are more common in women, while Parkinson’s and autism are more common in men. To brain scientists, that suggests there’s a sex hormone component underlying those conditions. That’s why a group of female neuroscientists at the University of B.C. Brain Research Centre held a symposium Thursday, to share some of their […]
Resistance Training Improves Cognitive Function in Senior Women, Researchers Find [Vancouver Observer]
Resistance training in senior women may improve their higher brain functions. A 12-month, Vancouver-based experiment on women ages 65 to 75 shows that resistance training, or anaerobic exercise, doesn’t just increase bone mass and maintain muscle mass and strength—it also increases selective attention and the ability to resolve conflicts. These capacities are considered one aspect […]
Exercise Now, Reap Benefits Later [Third Age]
Exercise is good for your health. That’s not news. But this is: A series of articles in January 25 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, spell out just how physical activity–in middle age and later in life–appears to be associated with a reduced risk or slower progression of several age-related conditions as well as improvements […]
Weights flex seniors’ cognitive muscles [CBC]
Resistance training can slow seniors’ cognitive decline as well as improve their strength and mobility, researchers in B.C. say. Previous research has found that aerobic exercise such as walking and swimming can help keep people mentally sharp as they age, yet few have looked at the effects on brain health of weight training aimed at […]
Weight training can keep senior minds sharp [EMaxHealth]
The Centre for Hip Health and Mobility at Vancouver Coastal Health and the University of British Columbia recently conducted a study showing that weight training can keep senior minds sharp. Progressive weight training, one or two times a week, was found to boost memory among women age 65 to 75. “We were able to demonstrate […]
Living your best as you age: Major studies find exercise is key [iTWire]
According to four new studies published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the regular performance of physical exercise throughout one’s life helps to improve overall health as we get older, along with making our brains and bodies work better. The four articles are published in the Monday, January 25, 2010 issue of the journal Archives […]
Will pumping iron fight dementia? [NHS]
“Pensioners should start pumping iron if they want to keep Alzheimer’s at bay,” warned the Daily Mail. It said a study had found that lifting weights can improve cognitive function in those aged 65 to 75. Weight training pensioners had better cognitive responses This study suggests there may be certain cognitive benefits in resistance exercise […]
Lifting weights can stop cognitive decline [Winnipeg Free Press]
TORONTO — We’re not talking about bulking up like a champion weightlifter, but research shows resistance training can be good for seniors, slowing cognitive decline while improving their strength and mobility. Previous research has found aerobic exercise such as walking and swimming can help keep people mentally sharp as they age. But in a study […]
Weight training boosts cognitive function in senior women [One India News]
Washington, Jan 26 (ANI): A new Canadian research has found that weight training improves cognitive function in seniors. The study by the Centre for Hip Health and Mobility at Vancouver Coastal Health and the University of British Columbia is one of the first randomized controlled trials of progressively intensive resistance training in senior women. The […]