Photo Gallery

Refining Exercise Prescription for Mild Cognitive Impairment Study

Our Factorial Exercise study is currently running! The study aims to assess the impact the impact of aerobic training (i.e. targeted walking) and strength training (i.e. lifting weights) on cognitive function over a 6-month period in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. Here are some photos of previous participants getting their sweat on.


Supporting Aging Through Green Exercise Study

The primary aim of the study is to explore the impact of the aerobic exercise environment on cognitive function and overall health over a 12-week period in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Here are some photos of previous participants enjoying the forest walks.


Vitality Study

As part of the Vitality study, Fit & Strong classes are held twice a week. Below are some pictures taken from this class. Aside from Fit & Strong classes, Balance & Tone and Masterminds classes are also held to study the effects of exercise training and cognitive training.