Lifting Weights May Aid The Brain, UBC Study Finds

Have you noticed the pattern in our news postings? Yep, resistance training seems to show some pretty good benefits to the brain– on top of all the other benefits! Get the details from the interview with The Globe and Mail, featuring our amazing Teresa Liu-Ambrose! Click here!

2 responses to “Lifting Weights May Aid The Brain, UBC Study Finds”

  1. Marlyn Horsdal

    Can you tell me what sort of daily resistance-exercise program gave the good results on brain function? Or is there a website where I could find the program?

    Thank you very much.


  2. Aija

    Amazing research, eye-opening results. I just read an article about Ms Liu-Ambrose’s research, & although I walk for half an hour 3 – 4 times a week right now (I’m a woman in my early 50’s), it’s fair to say this research will likely change my behaviour. Moderate weight training twice a week is do-able for me, so I will do it. & I’ll also share the results of this research with my friends.

    Thankyou for your efforts to inform & help us as we age.

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